June 2017
Please DO NOT use cell phones for online registrations until further notice - Please use a Desk/Laptop or Tablet
Basic 101 is offered at 2 different weekly times & a 2 day weekend workshop!
Mondays June 5 - 26
Intermediate Concentrations 12:00 - 3:00
Basic Silversmithing
Explore hammering techniques by learning some basic silversmithing skills. This is a physical and noisy class with fantastic energy taking your learning curve to a new dimension. Students will Raise a small bowl from copper sheet by compression and Forge heavy gauge copper wire by stretching using only hammers, stakes, anvils & a torch. These skills lend themselves beautifully to sculptural designs and are perfect for larger, more functional objects.
Skill Level: Basic 2 (or the equivalent)
Tuition: $200
Lab Fee: $10
Materials: TBD

Faceted Stone Setting (Lissa Queeney) 6:00 - 9:00
Take your setting skills to the next level and learn how to set faceted stones in prong, tube and flush settings. Terminology, tools, techniques, demonstrations and hands-on samples will be explored.
Skill Level: Basic skills including soldering, sawing, drilling and finishing.
Tuition: $200
Lab Fee: $10
Materials: $15 (Non-precious metals and cubic zirconia will be supplied so students can work on samples of the techniques. Students can bring their own materials if they prefer precious quality of metals and stones.)

Tuesdays June 6 - 27
Basic 101 - Jewelry Foundations 10:00 - 1:00
Start Here if you want a clear, concise and in-depth knowledge of basic jewelry making techniques. Learn how to use hand tools to cut, texture and file, hammers to forge and form, torches to solder and machines to drill, sand and polish. Demonstrations will be plentiful with hands-on bench-time to cement the knowledge. The wide range of topics covered will give you a solid foundation to set you out on your educational path with confidence. Learn how to recognize quality craftsmanship in the pieces you currently own or want to buy. The skills acquired in jewelry making come in handy on many levels, even fixing and altering things!
Skill Level: No experience necessary.
Tuition: $200
Lab Fee: $10
Materials: $20

Independent Study 6:00 - 9:00
Now that you’ve “graduated” from Basic 101 & Basic 2, what’s next? This class is a flexible continuation of your skills enabling you to hone your skills, especially considering planning a design from beginning to end. The instructor "makes her rounds" with each student and classmates can observe as much or as little as they want. New techniques will be explored as individual needs are addressed making this class as unique as it's participants. Explore soldering & stone setting in more depth, as well as forming and forging, containers, mechanisms, surface treatment, etc. This class provides an enriched learning experience because students pick up knowledge from eachother's project needs.
Skill Level: Basic 2 (or the equivalent)
Tuition: $200
Lab Fee: $10
Materials: TBD

Wednesdays June 7 - 28
Chain Making...at length 12:00 - 3:00
This weekly class allows participants the ability to learn a wide variety of chain styles, both torch-less and loop-in-loop. (See specific descriptions 10/22 & 10/23) Chain making is a lot like knitting; it’s repetitive and meditative. The week between classes will provide ample time for a length of chain to be assembled as homework that can then be finished with a clasp. (Loop-in-Loop chains can only be made with fine silver wire, Torch-less chains can be made of anything!)
Skill Level: No experience necessary
Tuition: $200
Lab Fee: $10
Materials Payable in Class: Loop-in-Loop - 20’ / Fine Silver Wire (market price, approximately $45) Torch-less Chains - $20

Basic 2 - Technical Explorations 6:00 - 9:00
Take your skills to the next level by exploring more in depth aspects of jewelry making and silversmithing with increased emphasis on soldering, stone-setting and planning the construction of a slightly more complex design. Students will continue working on jewelry items of their choice with more challenge and intensity. This is where the fun REALLY begins!
Skill Level: Basic 101 (or the equivalent)
Tuition: $200
Lab Fee: $10
Materials: TBD

Thursdays June 8 - 29
Rings Galore 2:00 - 5:00
Rings are a rewarding way to learn a wide variety of techniques including forming, soldering and forging (oh, and that geometry class will finally come in handy)! The endless variety of ring types and the incredible array of technical approaches to them will create a rich learning experience. Students are encouraged to work on different projects to accommodate their skill level while interacting with their peers. Stackable rings are perfect for beginners, spinners and hollow rings are great for more advanced students.
Skill Level: No experience necessary.
Tuition: $200
Lab Fee: $10
Materials: TBD

Basic 101- Jewelry Foundations 6:00 - 9:00
Start Here if you want a clear, concise and in-depth knowledge of basic jewelry making techniques. Learn how to use hand tools to cut, texture and file, hammers to forge and form, torches to solder and machines to drill, sand and polish. Demonstrations will be plentiful with hands-on bench-time to cement the knowledge. The wide range of topics covered will give you a solid foundation to set you out on your educational path with confidence. Learn how to recognize quality craftsmanship in the pieces you currently own or want to buy. The skills acquired in jewelry making come in handy on many levels, even fixing and altering things!
Skill Level: No experience necessary.
Tuition: $200
Lab Fee: $10
Materials: $20

Non-instructed use of the studio, tools and equipment is a convenience for jewelers wanting to work independently. Materials are not included. Supplies (sawblades, solder, polishing compound, acetylene, drill bits, etc) are included in the membership fee.
Available to current and former students of HVS, as well as local jewelers* looking for the use of a studio.
Times will be announced the week classes begin.
Please contact Raychel prior to showing up and to register (preauthorization and payment in advanced are required for non-students*)
6 month membership fee for non-students: $50
10 hour Punchcard @10./per hour: $100 (Receive the 11th hour free)