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July 2021
Listed Chronologically
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Due to COVID-19 a maximum of 6 students are permitted per class
Mondays    July 5 - 19

Basic 101 - Jewelry Foundations                5:30 - 8:30

(Raychel Wengenroth)

Start here if you want a clear, concise and in-depth knowledge of basic jewelry making techniques. Learn how to use hand tools to cut, texture and file and machines to drill, sand and polish. There will be a number of demonstrations with hands-on bench-time to cement the knowledge. The wide range of topics covered will give you a solid foundation to set you out on your educational path with confidence. Learn how to recognize quality craftsmanship in the pieces you currently own or want to buy. The skills acquired in jewelry making come in handy on many levels, even fixing and altering things!

The project will introduce beginners to multiple techniques including sawing, drilling, texturing, filing, sanding, finishing and possibly riveting.

Skill Level: Absolutely No Experience Necessary

Tuition: $150

Lab Fee: $10

Materials: $20

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Wednesdays    July 7 - 21

Beginning Loop-in-Loop Chain Making         5:30 - 8:30

(Raychel Wengenroth)

Byzantine style Etruscan chains date back to antiquity and are still made by hand to this day. Students will learn the basics of taking fine silver wire and wrapping it around a dowel to make a coil, cutting it into individual links that are fused closed using a torch, shaping and then assembling a variety of different chains. We will focus on learning the various “stitches” allowing students to continue their studies at home. This technique requires very minimal equipment and the results are professional quality chains that impress everyone and are truly a labor of love. Caution: Extremely addictive!

Skill level: No experience necessary, Good eyesight is!

Tuition: $150

Lab Fee: $15

Materials: Students may purchase their own 20’ Fine Silver Wire - 20 gauge, (approximately $40-50 depending on the market price) Also available in class.

Thursdays    July 8 - 22

Hone Your Skills               12:00 - 3:00

(Raychel Wengenroth)           

This class is designed for people who have a fair amount of technical skill but lack the sleek craftsmanship that can make or break a design. Careful planning of a piece can make your life a lot easier and your work much cleaner. Knowing where to place the solder, when to trim excess material and how to achieve a pristine polish will be the focus of this session. Students will work on projects of their own choice while the instructor assists them with a logical, step by step approach.

Skill Level: Basic 2 and 3

Tuition: $150

Lab Fee: $15

Materials: Students bring their own

Full Enrollment
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Fridays    July 9 - 30
(*4 week session*)

Independent Study        11:00 - 2:00

(Lisa Spiros)

This class provides experienced jewelry students with an opportunity to increase their skill level while encouraging them to develop individualized projects. Group projects are optional but include linkage systems and mechanical constructions, soldering, forging and bi-forms, surface texturing, patination and flexi shaft practices.

Skill Level: Basic 101 & 2

Tuition: $200

Lab Fee: $15

Materials: Students bring their own

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